Our customers expect us to develop and supply safe, economical and future-oriented technologies and process plants. We attach great importance to long-term partnership cooperation with our customers also in the field of after-sales service, training, successive modernization of plants, automation and teleservice.
Through an established network with universities and institutes, we are able to develop and market outstanding machinery and plant technologies for our customers, whether in industry, research institutes or university environments.
Through new or improved products and through variable market positioning, we can successfully and profitably face the competition in different economic and cultural areas in times characterized by globalization.
We offer qualified and committed employees an attractive and creative working environment. We enable independent and autonomous work. We clearly name tasks, responsibilities and define goals. We expect our employees to be “up to date” and to meet the ever faster changing technical and communication challenges.
As a company, we promote and qualify our employees and provide state-of-the-art equipment and internal and external training opportunities.
We try to achieve a positive identification with the company and its customers in all departments with hierarchies that are as flat as possible. We promote the compatibility of work and family. We make it possible to work in the home office in those departments in which this is operationally possible. We take into account the individual life plans of our employees through part-time work or other working time models.
We consistently use EDP-based systems for construction, production planning, project and knowledge management and administration. To improve our internal communication channels and to protect environmental resources, we have set ourselves the goal of “paperless working”.
We only develop and market technologies and products that are not expected to have a negative impact on the environment and society and whose manufacture, use and application follow ethical principles.
We build plants mainly from stainless steel materials, which allow decades of resource-saving use. We develop and sell processes for the production of fermented foods and products that make a valuable contribution to human health. We are also part of technology partnerships to research and establish processes and plant types for CO2 reduction and closing carbon cycles. We offer environmental technologies for wastewater treatment and water management in industrial plants.
We are active in industry segments that do not produce environmentally harmful products or disposable items, but rather manufacture high-tech equipment whose use contributes to improving the climate balance and increasing human and animal health.
Dr. Frank Emde / Toni Enenkel
Rheinbach, January 2020